Friday, October 15, 2010

Please look at the following reply to my blog, received in private email:


Congressional Reform Act of 2010

1. Term Limits.

12 years only, one of the possible options below..

A. Two Six-year Senate terms

B. Six Two-year House terms

C. One Six-year Senate term and three Two-Year House terms

2. No Tenure / No Pension.

A Congressman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they are out of office.

3. Congress (past, present & future) participates in Social Security.

All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system, and Congress participates with the American people.

4. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all Americans do.

5. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.

6. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people.

7. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people.

8. All contracts with past and present Congressmen are void effective 1/1/11.

The American people did not make this contract with Congressmen. Congressmen made all these contracts for themselves.

Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, serve your term(s), then go home and back to work.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Today's post concerns politics in general in this country, as it continues to evolve from what our founders intended.

As you may have guessed, if you read my other blogs, and my business site at, I am at heart a true conservative---perhaps more conservative than the ones who label themselves such.

I am NOT "reasonable" about a number of things. That doesn't mean I "won't listen to reason." It means I simply do not accept that "business as usual" and "that's just the way they do things in Washington" are acceptable excuses to running the United States of America into bankruptcy, simply to ensure that the current politicians remain in office.

Today's blog concerns a potential solution to today's political troubles. For many years I have avoided, at all costs, any type of involvement in politics---local, state, or national.

However, from my perspective of a person who avoids politics, I have watched the country rapidly approaching the brink of disaster. We have elected a President and kept a Congress in office who seem to be intent on destroying the Untied States of America as we know it.

King Obama was elected on a platform of "CHANGE." He did not specify the changes needed, but a few things he said involved stopping "business as usual" in Washington. Yet his moves, over the last two years, involve nothing more than "business as usual"---- implementing changes without consulting Congress, ramming bills through Congress using the political machinery of his party, trading votes, hiding measures within bills that would be politically disastrous for opponents to vote down---in other words, doing business in Washington DC in exactly the same way it has been done for generations: "You scratch my back, and I won't tell anyone what I know about you."

King Obama's policies are on the verge of bankrupting the country---and its people, except for those too rich to feel the pain of increased taxes on a personal level. We are extending government benefits to an incredible variety of non-producers, and the cost is to be born not by those who can afford it, but by those, like you and me in the middle class, who have always funded government operations.

Currently I am making more money, on a gross-income level, than both of my parents put together ever made in their lives. I don't have expensive habits.

(I have no medical expenses to speak of myself, though my wife has a few. My stereo is an antique, bought at discount at a time when I had disposable income. My TV was free, and until I moved away from Las Vegas to an apartment near Philadelphia, I didn't have cable. Now my cable is included in my internet access costs, without which my business can't survive. I can't afford to go fishing, and had to put my other so-called hobbies---every one of which used to produce more than enough to pay for themselves---on hold, because they can no longer produce enough income to support them, because no-one has the money to buy.)

Yet next year's taxes, with both increases in tax and new inclusions in taxable income, may very well bankrupt me, and will certainly make it impossible for me to be as productive in my business and personal life as I have been over the past two decades. And yet my level of personal and business debt is very low by comparison to the reported "norm," or average, in income level comparable to mine. I truly feel sorry for people who are trying to raise children in today's economy.

Well, Your Majesty, King Obama, you wanted CHANGE, and the people who elected you wanted CHANGE.

How is this for CHANGE, and a cessation of BUSINESS AS USUAL in Washington?

The only way to create real CHANGE in Washington is for a one-time only complete changeover of the political incumbents in Washington.

(The British do this every time they have an election. However, I prefer our own system, which gives us an opportunity every two years to get rid of deadbeats, ineffectives, and those who are not responding to their constituents.)

Let's just do it. In the next election, and the one after that,

VOTE OUT EVERY SINGLE INCUMBENT who is up for election. Do it in the primaries, if you are registered to a party.

In the 2012 election, vote in an amendment prohibiting a person from holding office for more than two succeeding terms. If his or her constituents want him or her back after a four-or-six year layoff, well and good. But no more than two succeeding terms in office. Let the politicians feel what it's like to get laid off.

Do a background check, and publish the results, on every single candidate for office. Force them to publish the entire results of a background check, paid for at the expense of their opponents, on their own website. Require that it be distributed in print to every person in their district.

Listen, I had to produce documentation to prove my identity, the fact I was the person I was claiming to be, that I was born in the United States at the place and time I listed----just to GET A JOB n the gaming industry in Pennsylvania. I am talking about a government-certified birth certificate or other documentation that required that.

Please watch this video:

If this link doesn't work, then you must realize that the video was removed from the internet by order of the President or his lackeys. I have tested it, and it works at the time this is posted.

But King Obama has not produced documentation even to prove he is a natural-born citizen, as required by the Constitution. Since he took office, he has even appointed a Supreme Court Justice who was willing to dismiss the lawsuit requiring evidence that he meet the requirements for office as set out in the Constitution. Do you see a discrepancy here?

A Representative should have to be out of office for at least two years before running for the Senate. A Senator or Representative should have to be replaced by his electorate, or end his two terms in office, BEFORE running for president. (Just think about the two years we pay these people for handling the business of the country when in fact they are spending the majority of their time and attention out on the campaign trail, trying to ensure they get re-elected.)

Keep the ten-year cap on a President's term in office. But add, in the off-year elections (such as 2010, 2014, 2018) a necessity for the President to be confirmed in office. This would not end the term if he or she did not pass, but simply make it impossible to run for re-election in the regular Presidential race if the electorate is not happy after the first two years. Prohibit ANY money being spent on campaign messages regarding this particular vote.

This could save us from the generally lazy nature of the electorate: note how often incumbents get re-elected, both in Congress and the Presidency, simply because they have to choose between an evil they know and an evil they don't know. Simply word the question on the off-year ballot something like "Are you satisfied with the performance of the President since his inauguration?" A simple majority vote of NO would disqualify the President from running for re-election.

A general cleanup would also be necessary: get rid of some of the benefits that politicians currently have. Do you realize that, once a person serves a single term in office in the House or Senate, they have free medical care for the rest of their lives? It doesn't matter if they get voted out after a single term as ineffective or destructive or simply unresponsive to their constituents: they still have this benefit, as well as many others.

Restrict the people who get elected into office to the same retirement benefits as their constituents. That means that Representatives and Senators and Presidents and judges on federal benches go on Social Security and Medicare when they retire, just like the rest of us who qualify (having spent our working careers paying into the system), with NO ADDED BENEFITS of any kind. (Note: they should be restricted to the benefits they have paid for, just like the rest of the working public. No benefits above the level they have paid for.)

These people should realize that when they vote in bills that will bankrupt the system, it will have an effect on them, and on their families, just like the rest of us.

Perhaps this will stop adding people to the OUTFLOW who have never contributed to the funds to begin with. The public welfare benefits are supposed to be for those who are unable, for physical or mental disability reasons, to provide for themselves. I don't mind welfare for those who are truly unable to provide---such as the physically disabled, those who are unable after service to this country to provide for themselves, or those born unable.

However, I truly object to providing, from my hard-earned income, for those who are simply too lazy to work, or who flock over the borders of this country simply because they can tap into MY INCOME.

I worked hard for my experience, worked hard to train myself, and don't feel I should provide an income that can be, in fact, better than mine, for those who have never worked or contributed to the funds they are tapping, simply so that they can vote some corn-and-circuses politician into office.

(For understanding of the term, look into the history of the republic of Rome, just before it became an Empire, with an Emperor. And yes, there IS a reason I call the current President "king obama." As a student of history, I see a lot of parallels between these decades at the beginning of the twenty-first century and the end of the republic of Rome, the beginning of the Roman Empire, which ended in fire and blood and a Dark Ages that lasted for a thousand years.)

Let this be a beginning. I am not able, due to the need to provide for my family, to put much time into this. There are professionals in the game of politics who could refine these ideas into workable forms, acceptable by the electorate. I DON"T CARE IF THEY ARE ACCEPTABLE BY THE POLITICIANS, AND NEITHER SHOULD YOU. The politicians are supposed to be serving us, and looking out for OUR INTERESTS, not their own.

If a two-term limit is unacceptable by the politicians, fire them. That is the purpose of the ballot.

You have the power. Use it.

Jim Goding

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I am, myself, a very religious person. I am also an American.

One of the most valuable things about America is that a person is free to practice any religion he chooses, whether it is an organized religion or personal beliefs between an individual and his Creator--or any other way he or she wishes to express it--so long as it is not harmful to others.

One of the founding principles of this country is that the State does not control religion. Neither does religion control the state.

With a bit of experience (several years of experience with several different organized religions), I can say that I do not care to participate in any organized religion, because from my point of view, all of them are simply political organizations attempting to impose their views on everyone else.

However, I would like you to look at the following two blogs. We have elected a President who is perhaps a bit too "understanding" of a religion whose precepts include that non-believers can be slaughtered (as happened throughout southern Europe and the Middle East during the period from 1200 AD until about 1500 AD, and again several times throughout the twentieth and twenty-first centuries).

Perhaps ONE OF the most valuable things about the United States is that a person in this country is free to practice his own religious beliefs.

Unfortunately, this means that it is possible for a particular religion, when too well established, could take over the entire country and, by following its own precepts, forbid the practice of any other religion. That is what is happening now.

I am willing for anyone to be able to practice their own religious beliefs, except in one circumstance: when those religious beliefs involve COMPELLING others to adopt that religion on pain of death, or promoting that religion through killing other people, or otherwise forcing others into religious beliefs other than their own.

Please see the following two entries: one is a speech from a respected person in the Netherlands. The other is excerpts from speeches from our current President.

I admit, right here, that I have only seen these excerpts, not the full speeches. However, I believe that this number of points brought by our current President are indicative of a religious bias that is far beyond anything he should be saying or promoting, as the President of a country that guarantees freedom of religious belief and practice as a part of its Constitution.

Some of what he says is very true, but it has little to do, in fact, with the RELIGION of Islam. The CULTURE preserved learning during the Dark Ages in Europe: the people who developed many of these ideas were persecuted in Islam in exactly the same way that learned men were persecuted by the Catholic Church.

Please remember, some of the tenets of certain sects of Islam include the right of Muslims to compel others to adopt the beliefs on pain of death.

Please view the following two blogs.

Thank you for your attention. Jim
This was forwarded to me from one of my valued elders.

Please take the time to read this and understand what is written here.

America as the Last Man Standing

Frightening.... a must read, for we are a certain part of this danger.

America as the Last Man Standing

Geert Wilders is a Dutch Member of Parliament

Here is the speech of Geert Wilders, Chairman, Party for Freedom, the Netherlands, at the Four Seasons, New York, introducing an Alliance of Patriots and announcing the Facing Jihad Conference in Jerusalem.

Dear friends,

Thank you very much for inviting me.

I come to America with a mission. All is not well in the old world. There is a tremendous danger looming, and it is very difficult to be optimistic. We might be in the final stages of the Islamization of Europe. This not only is a clear and present danger to the future of Europe itself, it is a threat to America and the sheer survival of the West. The United States as the last bastion of Western civilization, facing an Islamic Europe.

First I will describe the situation on the ground in Europe. Then, I will say a few things about Islam. To close I will tell you about a meeting in Jerusalem.

The Europe you know is changing.

You have probably seen the landmarks. But in all of these cities, sometimes a few blocks away from your tourist destination, there is another world. It is the world of the parallel society created by Muslim mass-migration.

All throughout Europe a new reality is rising: entire Muslim neighborhoods where very few indigenous people reside or are even seen. And if they are, they might regret it. This goes for the police as well. It's the world of head scarves, where women walk around in figureless tents, with baby strollers and a group of children. Their husbands, or slaveholders if you prefer, walk three steps ahead. With mosques on many street corners. The shops have signs you and I cannot read. You will be hard-pressed to find any economic activity. These are Muslim ghettos controlled by religious fanatics. These are Muslim neighborhoods, and they are mushrooming in every city across Europe. These are the building-blocks for territorial control of increasingly larger portions of Europe, street by street, neighborhood by neighborhood, city by city.

There are now thousands of mosques throughout Europe. With larger congregations than there are in churches. And in every European city there are plans to build super-mosques that will dwarf every church in the region. Clearly, the signal is: we rule.

Many European cities are already one-quarter Muslim: just take Amsterdam , Marseille and Malmo in Sweden. In many cities the majority of the under-18 population is Muslim. Paris is now surrounded by a ring of Muslim neighborhoods. Mohammed is the most popular name among boys in many cities.

In some elementary schools in Amsterdam the farm can no longer be mentioned, because that would also mean mentioning the pig, and that would be an insult to Muslims.

Many state schools in Belgium and Denmark only serve halal food to all pupils. In once-tolerant Amsterdam gays are beaten up almost exclusively by Muslims. Non-Muslim women routinely hear, 'whore, whore.' Satellite dishes are not pointed to local TV stations, but to stations in the country of origin.

In France school teachers are advised to avoid authors deemed offensive to Muslims, including Voltaire and Diderot; the same is increasingly true of Darwin . The history of the Holocaust can no longer be taught because of Muslim sensitivity.

In England sharia courts are now officially part of the British legal system. Many neighborhoods in France are no-go areas for women without head scarves. Last week a man almost died after being beaten up by Muslims in Brussels, because he was drinking during the Ramadan.

Jews are fleeing France in record numbers, on the run for the worst wave of anti-Semitism since World War II. French is now commonly spoken on the streets of Tel Aviv and Netanya, Israel. I could go on forever with stories like this. Stories about Islamization.

A total of fifty-four million Muslims now live in Europe. San Diego University recently calculated that a staggering 25 percent of the population in Europe will be Muslim just 12 years from now. Bernhard Lewis has predicted a Muslim majority by the end of this century.

Now these are just numbers. And the numbers would not be threatening if the Muslim-immigrants had a strong desire to assimilate. But there are few signs of that. The Pew Research Center reported that half of French Muslims see their loyalty to Islam as greater than their loyalty to France. One-third of French Muslims do not object to suicide attacks. The British Centre for Social Cohesion reported that one-third of British Muslim students are in favor of a worldwide caliphate. Muslims demand what they call 'respect'. And this is how we give them respect. We have Muslim official state holidays.

The Christian-Democratic attorney general is willing to accept sharia in the Netherlands if there is a Muslim majority. We have cabinet members with passports from Morocco and Turkey.

Muslim demands are supported by unlawful behavior, ranging from petty crimes and random violence, for example against ambulance workers and bus drivers, to small-scale riots. Paris has seen its uprising in the low-income suburbs, the banlieus. I call the perpetrators 'settlers'. Because that is what they are. They do not come to integrate into our societies; they come to integrate our society into their Dar-al-Islam. Therefore, they are settlers.

Much of this street violence I mentioned is directed exclusively against non-Muslims, forcing many native people to leave their neighborhoods, their cities, their countries. Moreover, Muslims are now a swing vote not to be ignored.

The second thing you need to know is the importance of Mohammed the prophet. His behavior is an example to all Muslims and cannot be criticized. Now, if Mohammed had been a man of peace, let us say like Ghandi and Mother Theresa wrapped in one, there would be no problem. But Mohammed was a warlord, a mass murderer, a pedophile, and had several marriages - at the same time. Islamic tradition tells us how he fought in battles, how he had his enemies murdered and even had prisoners of war executed. Mohammed himself slaughtered the Jewish tribe of Banu Qurayza. If it is good for Islam, it is good. If it is bad for Islam, it is bad.

Let no one fool you about Islam being a religion. Sure, it has a god, and a here-after, and 72 virgins. But in its essence Islam is a political ideology. It is a system that lays down detailed rules for society and the life of every person. Islam wants to dictate every aspect of life. Islam means 'submission'. Islam is not compatible with freedom and democracy, because what it strives for is sharia. If you want to compare Islam to anything, compare it to communism or national-socialism, these are all totalitarian ideologies.

Now you know why Winston Churchill called Islam 'the most retrograde force in the world', and why he compared Mein Kampf to the Quran. The public has wholeheartedly accepted the Palestinian narrative, and sees Israel as the aggressor. I have lived in this country and visited it dozens of times. I support Israel . First, because it is the Jewish homeland after two thousand years of exile up to and including Auschwitz, second because it is a democracy, and third because Israel is our first line of defense.

This tiny country is situated on the fault line of jihad, frustrating Islam's territorial advance. Israel is facing the front lines of jihad, like Kashmir, Kosovo, the Philippines, Southern Thailand, Darfur in Sudan, Lebanon, and Aceh in Indonesia. Israel is simply in the way. The same way West-Berlin was during the Cold War.
The war against Israel is not a war against Israel. It is a war against the West. It is jihad. Israel is simply receiving the blows that are meant for all of us. If there would have been no Israel, Islamic imperialism would have found other venues to release its energy and its desire for conquest. Thanks to Israeli parents who send their children to the army and lay awake at night, parents in Europe and America can sleep well and dream, unaware of the dangers looming.

Many in Europe argue in favor of abandoning Israel in order to address the grievances of our Muslim minorities. But if Israel were, God forbid, to go down, it would not bring any solace to the West It would not mean our Muslim minorities would all of a sudden change their behavior, and accept our values. On the contrary, the end of Israel would give enormous encouragement to the forces of Islam. They would, and rightly so, see the demise of Israel as proof that the West is weak, and doomed. The end of Israel would not mean the end of our problems with Islam, but only the beginning. It would mean the start of the final battle for world domination. If they can get Israel, they can get everything.

So-called journalists volunteer to label any and all critics of Islamization as a 'right-wing extremists' or 'racists'. In my country, the Netherlands, 60 percent of the population now sees the mass immigration of Muslims as the number one policy mistake since World War II. And another 60 percent sees Islam as the biggest threat. Yet there is a danger greater danger than terrorist attacks, the scenario of America as the last man standing. The lights may go out in Europe faster than you can imagine. An Islamic Europe means a Europe without freedom and democracy, an economic wasteland, an intellectual nightmare, and a loss of military might for America - as its allies will turn into enemies, enemies with atomic bombs. With an Islamic Europe, it would be up to America alone to preserve the heritage of Rome , Athens and Jerusalem.

Dear friends, liberty is the most precious of gifts. My generation never had to fight for this freedom, it was offered to us on a silver platter, by people who fought for it with their lives. All throughout Europe, American cemeteries remind us of the young boys who never made it home, and whose memory we cherish. My generation does not own this freedom; we are merely its custodians. We can only hand over this hard won liberty to Europe 's children in the same state in which it was offered to us. We cannot strike a deal with mullahs and imams. Future generations would never forgive us. We cannot squander our liberties. We simply do not have the right to do so.

We have to take the necessary action now to stop this Islamic stupidity from destroying the free world that we know.

Please take the time to read and understand what is written here. Please send it to every free person that you know, it is so very important.

All of the above is true, not an internet rumor:
Geert Wilders is a Dutch Member of Parliament
If you have any doubts about the purpose for which His Majesty King Obama got elected to the Presidency and office of Commander in Chief of the US military, please watch this video:

Friday, April 9, 2010

Another editorial, this time from teh Washington Post: Obamacare. Realize that this is opinion, not fact.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Last note for April: Regarding King Obama, watch what he DOES, NOT what he says.

Granted, things the President (or king, as the case may be) says often have the force of law. Such as his statements (twice or more) in public arenas that people should not go to Las Vegas, resulting in the loss of hundreds of millions of dollars in canceled convention traffic, and literally thousands of people thrown out of work. The OFFICAL unemployment rate in Las Vegas is now 13.5%, and that is only the people who are out of work who can still draw unemployment.

What he DOES is much more important. WHat he SAYS is he will reform Medicare. What he DOES, through his minions in Congress, is raise the bill for American taxpayers, so that now we are covering hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of illegal immigrants from various countries, as well as providing social security and other federal benefits for people who have never paid their dues in the system--in other words, worked for an honest living, run an honest business, and paid the taxes that support these federal benefits.

Please sit back, watch what is actually being DONE as a result of his campaign promises for change: raise taxes, increase the debt, more federal benefits for freeloaders, less benefits for taxpayers, and the destruction of the Bill of Rights and the American Constitution.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

King Obama CYA

Our new King has managed another CYA. Through the passage of the Cybersecurity Act in March, His Majesty has set himself up to be able to shut down the internet in America, in response to anything that HE considers a threat to "national security."

If I were King Obama, I would consider a "viral marketing" campaign to impeach the President a threat to "national security." In case you are wondering about viral marketing, it consists of people passing emails to their mailing lists.

The potential for such a campaign is that every person in the US (and likely the world) could receive an email within six forwards. It would likely take more than this (as most people, like myself, don't forward stuff), but it still means that within a couple of weeks, every person in the US with an email address could receive an email message detailing what King Obama has done and calling for an impeachment.

Please read the Cybersecurity Act. There are a lot of pieces that don't apply, but do realize there is far more than a billion dollars in your tax money committed over the next few years to giving the President the power to shut down the internet in the United States in response to anything King Obama considers a threat to National Security.

This is a PDF document. It is the text of the Cybersecurity Act as passed in March.

Please pay attention particularly to pages 30 and 31. Buried in the exact middle of this document is the trigger that King Obama can use to shut down the internet.

Also page 41-42 states that the President (as delegated) is required to only REPORT regarding civil liberty guarantees, not do anything to actually guarantee them.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

This will be the last political commentary ever posted on my Casino Surveillance News site, because I do not feel that I am any longer safe in emailing a political commentary to my newsletter recipients, and also do not feel that they would be safe in receiving it after this warning. If you have the stomach for it, read the editorial. If you are not interested, quit now.

This site will be my forum for any needed political commentaries. I really don't care if you agree with me or not, but some comments just have to be made.

As an American who understands the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as written and approved by our forefathers and the founders of this country, I am truly frightened by the direction this country has taken, especially the current Democratic Party Congress and the most recently elected President.

Mr. Obama appears to believe that he is in fact a King, not a president, and that his word is law. He is backed up by Congress, which is expanding the power of the federal government to spy on its own people, while failing to guarantee any protections as guaranteed by the first ten amendments. See the story at this link:

I have seen no greater threat to our protections from the government, as guaranteed by our founders in the Bill of Rights, since the days of Joe McCarthy, back in the 1950s. His Majesty is now issuing so-called Executive Orders in several areas.

He makes what are apparently "casual" comments during so-called town-hall meetings that result in thousands of jobs being eliminated and the leading businesses of cities losing hundreds of millions of dollars, in a time when the economy is hurting and unemployment is higher than any time in the last thirty years. Knowing, as the President, that even his supposedly casual comments will be reported widely in the press, and that they have nothing less than the force of law. Then he goes on to reinforce his comments with Executive Orders.

The current Congress is no better. With expanded powers of observation and surveillance on its own citizens, but lacking any safeguards, Congress has now bypassed the first, fourth, sixth, ninth and tenth Amendments that were a part of the approval process for our Constitution, leaving discretion up to bureaucrats as to who should be watched, wiretapped, and what should be watched for.

Think about it.

Jim Goding