Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Last note for April: Regarding King Obama, watch what he DOES, NOT what he says.

Granted, things the President (or king, as the case may be) says often have the force of law. Such as his statements (twice or more) in public arenas that people should not go to Las Vegas, resulting in the loss of hundreds of millions of dollars in canceled convention traffic, and literally thousands of people thrown out of work. The OFFICAL unemployment rate in Las Vegas is now 13.5%, and that is only the people who are out of work who can still draw unemployment.

What he DOES is much more important. WHat he SAYS is he will reform Medicare. What he DOES, through his minions in Congress, is raise the bill for American taxpayers, so that now we are covering hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of illegal immigrants from various countries, as well as providing social security and other federal benefits for people who have never paid their dues in the system--in other words, worked for an honest living, run an honest business, and paid the taxes that support these federal benefits.

Please sit back, watch what is actually being DONE as a result of his campaign promises for change: raise taxes, increase the debt, more federal benefits for freeloaders, less benefits for taxpayers, and the destruction of the Bill of Rights and the American Constitution.

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